
[rek-uh n] /ˈrɛk ən/
verb (used with object)
to count, compute, or calculate, as in number or amount.
to esteem or consider; regard as:
to be reckoned an authority in the field.
Chiefly Midland and Southern U.S. to think or suppose.
verb (used without object)
to count; make a computation or calculation.
to settle accounts, as with a person (often followed by up).
to count, depend, or rely, as in expectation (often followed by on).
Chiefly Midland and Southern U.S. to think or suppose.
Verb phrases
reckon with,
  1. to include in consideration or planning; anticipate:
    He hadn't reckoned with so many obstacles.
  2. to deal with:
    I have to reckon with many problems every day.
before 1000; Middle English rekenen, Old English gerecenian (attested once) to report, pay; cognate with German rechnen to compute
Related forms
reckonable, adjective
outreckon, verb (used with object)
prereckon, verb (used with object)
underreckon, verb (used with object)
unreckon, verb (used with object)
unreckonable, adjective
unreckoned, adjective
1. enumerate. 2. account, deem, estimate, judge.
British Dictionary definitions for reckon with


to calculate or ascertain by calculating; compute
(transitive) to include; count as part of a set or class: I reckon her with the angels
(usually passive) to consider or regard: he is reckoned clever
(when transitive, takes a clause as object) to think or suppose; be of the opinion: I reckon you don't know where to go next
(intransitive) foll by with. to settle accounts (with)
(intransitive; foll by with or without) to take into account or fail to take into account: the bully reckoned without John's big brother
(intransitive; foll by on or upon) to rely or depend: I reckon on your support in this crisis
(transitive) (slang) to regard as good: I don't reckon your chances of success
(transitive) (informal) to have a high opinion of: she was sensitive to bad reviews, even from people she did not reckon
to be reckoned with, of considerable importance or influence
Word Origin
Old English (ge)recenian recount; related to Old Frisian rekenia, Old High German rehhanón to count
Word Origin and History for reckon with



c.1200, recenen, from Old English gerecenian "to explain, relate, recount," from West Germanic *(ga)rekenojanan (cf. Old Frisian rekenia, Middle Dutch and Dutch rekenen, Old High German rehhanon, German rechnen, Gothic rahnjan "to count, reckon"), from Proto-Germanic *rakinaz "ready, straightforward," from PIE *reg- "to move in a straight line," with derivatives meaning "direct in a straight line, rule" (see regal).

Intransitive sense "make a computation" is from c.1300. In I reckon, the sense is "hold an impression or opinion," and the expression, used parenthetically, dates from c.1600 and formerly was in literary use (Richardson, etc.), but came to be associated with U.S. Southern dialect and was regarded as provincial or vulgar. Related: Reckoned; reckoning.

Idioms and Phrases with reckon with

reckon with

Take into account, be prepared for, as in The third-party movement is a force to be reckoned with during the primaries. This usage was first recorded in 1885.
Deal with, as in Your lost wallet isn't the only problem we have to reckon with . Also see take into account


In addition to the idiom beginning with reckon also see: force to be reckoned with